• Best price guarantee – lowest prices guaranteed when making reservation only through our website
  • Upgrade to higher room type free of charge (upon availability)
  • Free parking (by higher room types)
  • Changes in reservation ca be made without additional charges
Special offers Prices & Reservation
Best price guarantee
Arrival 01
06 24
Departure 01
06 24

Cycle routes and trails

Cycle routes and trails

The entire North Bohemian Region is literally interwoven with cycle routes and trails of varying difficulty. These trails, beginning near Libverda Spa or intersecting the town, will lead you through environs of the Jizera Mountains and bring you to historical monuments and other places in the Frýdlant Headland. The linkage of Czech trails leading out of the country improves each year, so you have the option of cycling to Poland and Germany as well. If you cannot bring your own bicycle, we will be happy to lend you one.