• Best price guarantee – lowest prices guaranteed when making reservation only through our website
  • Upgrade to higher room type free of charge (upon availability)
  • Free parking (by higher room types)
  • Changes in reservation ca be made without additional charges
Special offers Prices & Reservation
Best price guarantee
Arrival 02
06 24
Departure 02
06 24

Special offer in May

For accommodated and non-accommodated guests we offer a 15% discount on:

Carbonic bath for a couple

Carbonic bath + dry wrap – for a couple

Carbon dioxide is absorbed through the skin into the bloodstream and is the best natural method for dilating blood vessels. A series of baths leads to improved blood circulation and oxygenation of all tissues, reduction and stabilization of elevated blood pressure, improvement of metabolism and elimination of its products. The immediate effect is the elimination of increased muscle tension and overall energy boost of the body.

Price: 731 CZK (instead of the original 860 CZK)

Duration: 30 min.

Try the new DRY MASSAGE BATH procedure at a great price!

A pleasant relaxing massage on a special heated water bed, where you are massaged by a stream of water through the membrane. As with classical massage, there is a reduction in muscle tension, increased blood flow to the tissues, stimulation of the lymphatic system, improved metabolism and stress relief. The procedure can be completed in light clothing.

Contraindications: the procedure is not recommended for acute back pain, trauma, acute phase of rheumatoid arthritis, cancer or osteoporosis with a recent fracture.

Introductory price: 370 CZK

Duration: 20 min.

Please reserve the date and time of your procedures before your arrival at the Resort by calling

+420 482 368 657 

or by e-mail at rozpis,lazne-libverda,cz 

Monday - Friday from 7:00 am to 3:30 pm