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Arrival 02
06 24
Departure 02
06 24

Wellness centre with swimming pool

Wellness centre with swimming pool

We are pleased to introduce a new swimming pool and wellness centre, which you can use for your pleasure in a new modern design with luxurious elements belonging to our spa - marble statues, Empire columns and a sky full of stars.

After a long and very demanding renovation, we have managed to create a facility that you can use not only for rehabilitation exercises under the guidance of physiotherapists or spa staff, but also for relaxation, warming up your muscles or as a sporting activity.

The services can be found in the historic building on the colonnade, and it is recommended to book a time on the treatment schedule by calling 482 368 657, 737 862 794 (weekdays 7-15:30) or e-mail rozpis,lazne-libverda,cz.

What you can find here:

Heated swimming pool

A 12x4m pool with a water spillway, jets and a starry sky. It is used for rehabilitation exercises, swimming, relaxation or massage with underwater jets.

Finnish sauna approx. 85°C 

It serves not only for mental relaxation, promoting good mood, but also for eliminating migraines, nervousness, reducing joint pain, has a positive effect on the respiratory system, asthma, and digestive tract.

Steam sauna 45 °C 

It is the ideal combination of heat and humidity to strengthen the entire immune system. The steam relaxes the body and mind, helping to relieve stress and tension. 

Illuminated Kneipp walkway

The treatment consists of alternating between hot  (40 – 46 °C) and cold water (10 – 16 °C), one minute in hot water and fifteen seconds in cold water. An excellent treatment for vascular gymnastics of the lower limbs, improving metabolism, boosting immunity, vegetative dystonia or migraines and headaches.

Heated relaxation zone

You can relax on the heated seat or use one of the chairs near the pool. 

Reception and changing and storage facilities

Booking can be made at reception to visit the pool or saunas. Staff can help you with anything you need.

    Price list

    • private rental for 2 persons for 60 min. 1.100 CZK,
    • private rental, additional person 190 CZK.

    Public access to the centre  (reserved hours) 60 min.

    • adult (age 15+) 199 CZK,
    • senior (60+), child (3 - 15 years) 180 CZK,
    • child under 2,99 years free of charge,
    • opening hours: Monday - Friday 4:00 p.m.-8 p.m., weekend 11:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. and 4:00 p.m - 8 p.m.

    Thank you and we look forward to your visit.