• Best price guarantee – lowest prices guaranteed when making reservation only through our website
  • Upgrade to higher room type free of charge (upon availability)
  • Free parking (by higher room types)
  • Changes in reservation ca be made without additional charges
Special offers Prices & Reservation
Best price guarantee
Arrival 03
06 24
Departure 03
06 24

Leisure Time

Leisure time 

Whether you come to our spa on vacation or for treatment, we offer you tips and options for spending your free time. Reception in Spa Resort Libverda - Hotel Nový dům provides its guests information services, a cultural program, concerts, dance evenings, excursions to the surroundings and interesting places of the Czech Republic, tickets to cultural and social events, it provides information on spas, hotel lodging, treatment stays and procedures, it provides a tour of the spa, the services of a library, transfers, an outdoor playing field for seniors, adults and youth, and it offers indoor and outdoor activities and many other services. A spa visit isn't just about baths, massages and diets, but mainly about rest or light sports activities.