• Best price guarantee – lowest prices guaranteed when making reservation only through our website
  • Upgrade to higher room type free of charge (upon availability)
  • Free parking (by higher room types)
  • Changes in reservation ca be made without additional charges
Special offers Prices & Reservation
Best price guarantee
Arrival 01
06 24
Departure 01
06 24



We are LÁZNĚ LIBVERDA, a.s., with its registered office No. 82, Lázně Libverda Postal Code 463 62, kept by the Regional Court in Ústí nad Labem, ID No. 44569505, file No. B 208.

Our contact details:
Tel.: +420 482 368 111

We operate a website at www.lazne-libverda.cz. We work on it with cookies.

What are cookies?

Cookies are text files that our website sends to the browser or your device from which you view our website (e.g., phone, tablet, computer). They allow us to recognize you and tailor our website, accordingly, analyze your behavior, show you certain content, etc. To know more about each cookie, please read below.

What types of cookies do I use?

Technical, functional - these are necessary to show you the website and make it work as it should or to know that you have (not) given us your consent to process cookies, etc.

Security - cookies that are designed to prevent fraud and possibly fix security vulnerabilities

Analytical - these help us analyze how the website works in terms of visitor behavior and adapt and change the website accordingly

Preference - these cookies are designed to ensure that content is displayed in the settings you prefer - for example, in a particular language or otherwise to make browsing/purchasing easier

Marketing - these cookies allow us or third parties to tailor our service offerings after your visit. This offer may then be displayed to you outside of our website

You can find specific cookies and more information about them in the table at the end of this document.

On what basis do we process cookies?

We may work with technical, security and functional cookies based on legal regulations. Without them, we would not be able to provide our services to you safely and correctly.

We may process analytical, preference and marketing cookies based on your consent.

You can prevent this processing by not giving your consent, by setting your browser settings, by setting the cookie bar or by browsing in anonymous mode.

How can I prevent the use of cookies?

First of all, we would like to point out that the cookies that we collect for the purpose of measuring website traffic and generating statistics on visitor traffic and behavior on the website are considered in the form of a collective whole and therefore in a form that does not allow us to identify individuals.

The cookies necessary for the functionality of the website are always stored only for the time necessary for its functioning.

The easiest way to prevent cookies from working is through your browser settings. More information on individual browsers and deleting/blocking cookies can be found here:

- Chrome

- Firefox

- Internet Explorer

- Opera

- Seznam

- Android

- Safari

- Microsoft Edge

We would like to add that the settings need to be made for each of your devices (phone, tablet, computer) separately.

Who processes cookies for us?

- the provider of Google Analytics, Ads and Doubleclick, Google Ireland Ltd., Google Building Gordon House, 4 Barrow St, Dublin, D04 E5W5, Ireland., in accordance with its terms and conditions, see here.

- Facebook, operated by Facebook Ltd., 4 Grand Canal Square, Grand Canal Harbour, Dublin 2, Ireland in accordance with its terms and conditions - see here.

- the provider of the Sklik service - Seznam.cz, a.s., with its registered office at Radlická 3294/10, 150 00 Prague 5 - Smíchov, in accordance with its terms and conditions - you can find them here.

- Linkedin service provider - Linkedin Ireland Unlimited, based at Gardner House, Wilton Plaza, Dublin 2 Ireland in accordance with its terms and conditions - which can be found here.

We would also like to mention:

If you have given us your consent, a third party may also handle your cookies. In this case, we list it in the table below.

The handling of personal data takes place within the European Union. If the processing takes place outside the EU, then on the basis of the relevant legislation (exemptions approved by the European Union, or after meeting other data security requirements).

We do not have a designated Data Protection Officer.

When we process personal data, you have the right under the GDPR (Regulation (EU) No. 2016/679) to contact us and request information about what personal data we process; to request access to this data and have it updated or corrected, or to request a restriction on processing; in certain cases, you can request a copy of the personal data processed; request erasure or exercise the right to data portability. If you think we are not handling your data properly, you can file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority or pursue your claims in court.

Name Expiry Who has access to information Description
_gcl_au 3 months Third Party (Google Tag Manager) Testing site features
__utma 2 years Third Party (Google) It collects data on the number of times a user has visited the site and the dates of the first and last visits. Google Analytics is used
__utmb 1 day Third Party (Google) Registers a timestamp with the exact time the user entered the site. Uses Google Analytics to calculate time on the website
__utmcSessionThird Party (Google)Registers a timestamp with the exact time the user leaves the website. Uses Google Analytics to calculate time on the website
__utmt 1 day Third Party (Google) Used to limit the rate of requests to the server
__utmz 6 months Third Party (Google) Collects data on where the user came from, what search engine was used, what link was clicked and from what search query
_dc_gtm_UA-# 1 day Third Party (Google) Uses Google Tag Manager to control the loading of Google Analytics script tags
_ga 2 years Third Party (Google) This cookie is used to distinguish unique users by assigning a randomly generated number as a client identifier. It is included in every page request on the website and is used to calculate visitor, session, and campaign data for site analytics reports.
_gat 1 day Third Party (Google) The _gat cookie is used to limit analytics requests to limit requests sent from your browser to Google services. Cookies have several limitations that may cause over-reporting of the number of users
_gid 1 day Third Party (Google) Registers a unique identifier that is used to generate statistics about how a visitor uses the site
collect Session Third Party (Google) It is used to send data to Google Analytics about the visitor's device and behavior. Tracks the visitor across devices and marketing channels
1P_JAR 30 days Third Party (Google Ads) Targeting ads based on interests expressed in previous interactions.
NID 6 months Third Party (Google Ads) Targeting ads based on interests expressed in previous interactions.
S Session Third Party (Google Ads) A record of the user's Google Account ID and the last time they logged in.
SID, SSID, SAPISID, HSID, APISID, SAPISID 2 years Third Party (Google Ads) A record of the user's Google Account ID and the last time they logged in.
ANID 9 months Third Party (Google Ads) A record of the user's Google Account ID and the last time they logged in.
SIDCC 3 months Third Party (Google Ads) Measuring site visits.
DSID 5 days Third Party (Google Ads) A record of the user's Google Account ID and the last time they logged in.
DV Session Third Party (Google Ads) A record of the user's Google Account ID and the last time they logged in.
_fbp 30 days Third Party (Facebook) Uses Facebook to deliver a range of advertising products, such as real-time bidding from third-party advertisers
_fbc 30 days Third Party (Facebook) Uses Facebook to deliver a range of advertising products, such as real-time bidding from third-party advertisers
ATN 30 days Third Party (Facebook) Used by Facebook to deliver, measure and improve the relevance of their advertising and to deliver a range of advertising products on Facebook
fr 30 days Third Party (Facebook) Used by Facebook to deliver, measure and improve the relevance of their advertising and to deliver a range of advertising products on Facebook
tr 30 days Third Party (Facebook) Used by Facebook to deliver, measure and improve the relevance of their advertising and to deliver a range of advertising products on Facebook
AA003 30 days Third Party (Facebook) Used by Facebook to deliver, measure and improve the relevance of their advertising and to deliver a range of advertising products on Facebook
atdmt.com 30 days Third Party (Facebook) Used by Facebook to deliver, measure and improve the relevance of their advertising and to deliver a range of advertising products on Facebook