• Best price guarantee – lowest prices guaranteed when making reservation only through our website
  • Upgrade to higher room type free of charge (upon availability)
  • Free parking (by higher room types)
  • Changes in reservation ca be made without additional charges
Special offers Prices & Reservation
Best price guarantee
Arrival 03
06 24
Departure 03
06 24

Enjoy some rest and relaxation and recharge your batteries at Spa Resort Libverda. You can look forward to a rich events programme, whether you come on your own, or with family or friends. We are constantly adjusting our programme so that you can discover something new every year.

You can supplement the range of spa and wellness programmes with sporting activities or optional excursions, e.g. tennis, fitness centre, snooker, table tennis, minigolf, cycling, singletrek, skiing and much more.

Information on current special offers and discounts can be found in News.

Looking forward to your visit!